Frequently Asked Questions

What does Changefly’s all-in-one app include?

Changefly App

✅   QuickCode® - Total account protection and privacy all from a cryptographically secure code.

✅   QuickAlert™ - End-to-end encryption for secure communications and privacy. Only receive important messages from your accounts — and no one else.

✅   QuickGuard® - Safely backup your Changefly with trusted devices, using the same QuickCode technology that protects your accounts and privacy.

✅   Hide My™ - Anonymize and protect non-QuickCode accounts.


What is QuickCode?

Changefly App

Say goodbye to the madness of login id’s, passwords, passcodes, account lockouts and attacks. All you need is one code — QuickCode.

Here’s how easy it is to authenticate with QuickCode-enabled websites and apps:

1. Press and hold your QuickCode to copy

2. Paste your QuickCode

See the demo YouTube video demo


Why QuickCode?

► Quick & easy to use

► Anonymized credentials prevent attackers from targeting you.

► Patented and patent-pending, hassle-free login and multi-factor authentication (MFA).

► No endless security codes sent via phone or email which can be intercepted by man-in-the-middle attacks.

► Real-time Threat Intelligence and proactive defense against cybercriminals and AI-powered cyberattacks.


Where can I find the QuickCode white paper?

Get the QuickCode white paper here


How do I get Changefly?

Join the waitlist


Why use invites?

Changefly is currently available as an invite-only pre-release. Early adopters are helping to create a top-notch user experience before we release version 1.0 to the general public.


What is Changefly?

Changefly — a Seattle-based cybersecurity startup and recipient of the Google Cloud Startup program — revolutionized account protection with the introduction of QuickCode in 2024. The all-in-one Changefly app provides seamless experiences across iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, and Linux. Breakthrough services include QuickCode®, QuickID™, QuickAlert™, QuickGuard®, and Hide My™. Changefly’s growing community of developers and advocates are committed to fostering a digital environment that protects users from harm, truly respects their privacy, and empowers them to navigate the online world safely. Through continuous innovation and collaboration, we strive to build a digital space where trust, security, and well-being thrive for everyone.


Changefly is located at 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4200, Seattle, WA 98104. For media inquiries, please contact press@changefly.com